Bromley Environment Awards 2012

Bromley Environment Awards 2012

Bromley’s Environment Awards Ceremony was held at the Bromley Civic Centre on Friday 13th July 2012.

The Mayor of Bromley hosted this prestigious event, sponsored by News Shopper and Coolings Nursery and attended by environmental journalist Lucy Siegle.

Purelake were the winners of the “Green Building” Award for our head office development at Plaistow Lane.

Established in 1992, The Purelake Group has over the last decade built a reputation of innovation in the property development market. Purelake are a local firm committed to the area and determined to establish a sense of place and local distinctiveness to promote commerce and sustainability in the Bromley borough. To show their strong commitment to the area, Purelake commissioned the construction of their new Head Office based at Plaistow Lane.

Its design and specification is more akin to a city centre development and represents a considerable leap of faith by Purelake the developer, the development comprises of their new Head Office at ground level, a large basement for parking and cycle storage, and nine apartments on the first and second floors.

It occupies a restricted site and is in close proximity to existing residential properties, and is carefully designed to avoid impinging on the amenity of local occupants.

Purelake House occupies a strategic position on the northern side of Plaistow Lane. It is seen across Plaistow Green through a veil of trees, and forms a gateway to the existing centre. Its scale and proportion respects those established in the area in a way that brings high quality residential units into the local centre to the benefit of retailers and businesses.

The quality of design and specification has been carried through relentlessly in the standard of detail and workmanship evident on site. The final product has been well received locally and has become a landmark building in a formerly unremarkable area.

The Plaistow Lane frontage faces south and its design achieves sun shading through the natural forms of the building. The external materials include aluminum panels pearlescent green in colour, subtly changing tone with the natural light, simulated stone render, western red cedar cladding and glass. The building is designed to maximize penetration of natural light whilst avoiding overlooking of neighboring properties. The ground storey glazing is frameless and slopes outwards at its head to mitigate reflection of light sources and enhance transparency. The residential and office entrances are situated at opposite ends of the façade and are intentionally different in character to achieve clarity of purpose. On the northern side the contemporary architecture is maintained whilst utilising stock bricks as is traditional in London and the suburbs.

Purelake have continued their commitment to the local area and environment with the sponsorship of the local roundabout. This ensures the area is well maintained and kept green and vibrant for the use of local residents.

As part of the design and build brief Purelake considered all elements to be used in the construction process and tried to incorporate those that were more environmentally friendly and energy efficient into the scheme.

Key Innovative Features of Environmental Compliance

Thermal or acoustics:
Acoustic studies were carried out to establish the suitability for residential purposes. The finishes were carefully selected in the office areas to control reverberation within the space. Acoustic baffles control cross-talk and airborne and impact noise separation is maintained between different uses and occupancies.

The building utilizes efficient energy systems throughout and generates a minimum 10% of its energy demands from building integrated energy systems. An integrated PV roofing membrane was selected as the appropriate method of energy production after consideration was given to a number of alternatives. It has the added advantage of not imposing visually on the building architecture.

All lighting within the car park and external areas are low energy with efficiency in excess of 40lumens/watt, these are controlled by Passive Infa Red detectors. All the apartment fixed lighting is low energy also.

The offices are provided with heating utilising air to air heat pumps, with efficiency within A/B energy efficient rating.

Gas/Hot Water:
The apartments have with SEDBUK A rated gas fired boilers providing heating and hot water and heat recovery ventilation from the bathrooms and kitchens. This provides tempered air to the living and bedroom spaces.

Rainwater recycling:
Rainwater butts are provided to store water for plant watering and wash down uses.

– All timber used throughout the scheme is FSC accredited, meaning it has been sourced from certified forests that are managed with consideration for people, wildlife and the environment. This includes not just general timbers but doors and kitchens also.
– The bricks, blocks and hollow core flooring system used for the main structure of the development were sourced from companies carrying an ISO 14001 certificate that ensures they operate an Environmental Management System.
– The cavity wall insulation is free from CFC’s, HCFC’s and any other material with ozone depletion potential in their manufacture and content that represent no known threat to the environment and is classified as Zero ODP.

Storage of Waste and Re-Cycling:
All occupants are actively encouraged to recycle and facilities for storage of waste and re-cycling materials are provided within the scheme in accordance with guidance provided by Bromley Council.